24/7 Emergency Service

COLEMAN  920.897.3044
CRIVITZ  715.854.2521
LAKEWOOD  715.276.2521

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: How often should I have my furnace tuned up?

A: To maximize and maintain the efficiency of your newly installed furnace a tune up is recommended every year. The peak efficiency of the furnace is affected in many ways. An annual tune up gives you the confidence your investment is operating to its maximum potential.

A: For older equipment every year is a must to insure the furnace is working safely. By annually inspecting the heat exchanger for cracks and defects you will have the peace of mind to know the furnace is operating safely.



Q: How often should I tune up my Air Conditioning System?

A: To get peak efficiency from your Air Conditioning Systems they should be tuned up annually. Don’t forget every AC system has three basic components an indoor coil (evaporator), an outdoor coil (condenser) and a blower. All three components rely on each other to efficiently cool your home. A dirty of faulty air filter can cause high resistance on the blower, or allow dust to collect on the blower wheel and plug the indoor coil. The outdoor unit is also exposed to dust, leaves, and pollen that must be removed in order to run properly. Annual maintenance will attend to those issues and ensure your Ac system gives you years of trouble free comfort.



Q: How often should I tune up my water heater?

A: A water heater tune up is often over looked in most homes until there is a problem. I does not matter if your heater is electric, gas or indirect fired annual maintenance is a good recommendation. Flushing your water heater, cleaning the burner and replacing failing or weak elements annually will allow your heater use the least amount of energy possible. Why is this important ? Did you ever stop and think that we heat our water 365 days a year.



Q: What is Indoor Air Quality?

A: The American Lung Association estimates that most people spend 90% of their time indoors, so clean air is very important. The quality of home’s air mainly has to do with the amount of pollutants inside, but is also determined by humidity and ventilation levels. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has found that pollutants can be up to 100 times high indoors than outdoors.